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EPFX/SCIO Features & 


Features & Programs

SOC-behavior and lifestyle questionnaire and stress risk analysis

EEG-dual channel for Bi-hemispheric comparison.

GSR-quadrant measures to guide physiological process.

EMG-quadrant measures to guide physiological process and muscle resonance.

ECG-heart rate and heart pulse amplitude variability.

TVEP-transcutaneous voltametric evoked potential or EPR-electrophysiological reactivity through EDR-electrodermal skin response. This is ability to measure a person reactivity to QQC Trivector Voltammetric electro- signatures of isodes, allersodes, nosodes, sarcodes, impoderables and subspace

Items on biological speed.

VARHOPE- is a measure of the body electrical factors of Voltage, Amperage, Resistance, Hydration, Oxidation, PH and others. VARHOPE correction through trickle charge electro-stimulation.

EWH-electro-wound healing to stimulate tissue repair.

Electro-Acupuncture- for meridian training.

CES-cranial electro-stimulation for stress reduction.

MTENS-microcurrent transcutaneous electro-nerval stimulation for pain reduction.

GSR-Galvanic skin reactivity trans direct current stimulation for cybernetic loop autofocused biofeedback training.

There are hundreds of available biofeedback programs that can be applied in various combination to suit individual needs of each client. Some of them are:

Auto Frequency and Auto Trivector-retrains energetic disturbance in tissues in 3 waveforms of capacitance, inductance and conductance for better body systems integration.

Autonomic Nervous System-re-trains stress patterns in Sympathetic, Parasympathetic and Vagus Nerve.

Spinal muscular re-education-re-educates muscles and nerves that support spine along with Neuro-Emotional complex- for stored emotions in cellular memory.

Auto-Meridian- re-trains energetic disturbance in Acupuncture meridians.

Auto Scalar- for balancing Chakra system.

Hyper -Reactants- desensitization of maladaptive stress responses to different substances.

NLP-re-educates neurotransmitters reactions to emotional stress.

Brain wave training for relaxation and Peak Performance.

Electro-Hypnosis- to re-train maladaptive stress patterns.

Oxygenation stimulation – to relax breath and to increase microcirculation.

Systems of the body de-stressing training.

Nutrition, Homeopathy Feedback- sends nutritional energy signatures for stress reduction.

Subspace Morphic Trans- for stress reduction in many layers of the Energy Field.

Spiritual Healing and Prayer Wheel- for spiritual healing and Consciousness expansion.

There are over 500 studies and clinical research scientifically verified, validated through double blind study and published in peer reviewed International Journals of Clinical Homeopathy. SCIO studies were quoted in many fully accredited European Universities and toughed in Neuro-Electro-Physiology and Biofeedback textbooks. Quantum Biofeedback is available worldwide, and testimonies of great athletes like Novak Djokovic speak for themselves. Largest study of the Energy Medicine device to date.

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