The information on this website was not evaluated by FDA and is Not Intended to be a substitute for professional medical, psychological or nutritional advice, diagnosis and treatment. Please see a medical professional if you have any medical, psychological or nutritional concerns for appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
Biofeedback professionals act as a Wellness and Spiritual Coaches helping you to relax so stress can be reduced and positive life changes can be implemented. No claims are made about the diagnosis or expected outcome, medicinal cure or amelioration of any disease or medical condition. Quantum Biofeedback is to be used for stress detection and reduction only. No claims on therapy are made and no singular protocol should exist to address any diseases or pre-existing condition. Rather Biofeedback training helps the body to remember its natural mechanisms of Self-Healing that are stimulated through stress reduction and entrainment of healthy patterns. Biofeedback is considered safe and non-invasive except from the expected marginal detox reactions. Biofeedback is considered contraindicated for people with seizures, pacemakers and those who have aversion or cannot understand Biofeedback process. Biofeedback is contraindicated for treating any medical conditions unless referred by the physician.